Most people have a story to tell, but the stories we carry around in our heads are shorthand versions of much deeper meanings. External facts about a person's life can be researched generations later - but the inner life is irrevocably lost unless it is written during one's lifetime. Telling stories is on thing, but writing them goes deeper than merely telling.
The narrative of spiritual autobiographies tends to focus on moments of insight in our lives that led us in a new direction. Sometimes changes don't come in a big 'leap' but rather a series of staggers; like lily pads on a pond providing a safe stepping ground from one side to another.
We call these moments 'epiphanies' (sudden insights), but they don't neccessarily arrive with a bang. They may be quiet moments, barely noticeable until the act of writing magnifies their significance.
'Writing the Sacred Journey' is a 10 week course starting in September, run by The Dancing Soul. This course will not only put you in touch with your thoughts, memories, and feelings, it will make you aware that there is a dept and meaning to our lives that goes beyond superficial appearances.
Participants will be given the tools, writing prompts, warm-ups, creative excerises, instructions on how to give and recieve feedback, anf lots of emotional support. The course is facilated by Martina Breen, a Gestalt psychotherapist and facilitator. She has a Masters in Applied Christiam Spirituality.
For details, contact The Dancing Soul on (090) 6490707, email Martina on, or see