Friday, 21 June 2013

The Story of Life

I was talking to a friend a little while ago who shared with me her story about a particularly tragic event in her life. The story about this event - the version she was choosing to tell - was very sad.            
   Over time she decided one day, 'I'm going to stop telling that version of the story. I'm going to tell a new story. 'It wasn't that the tragedy hadn't happened, it was just that she realised what she had gained from that experience, the gift inside it, and wanted to share a story from another perspective.       
   So today, identify any story you've been telling about your life of limitation, lack, holding back - of a recurring theme of how things don't work out for you, that keeps you limited or struggling. Every one of us has something like that.                                                                              
   What if you just decided that's no longer your current story? That's the story of your past. Julie Parmenter invites you to re-frame that old story as a new story about how you received a gift from life. How has this experience changed you to understand yourself in a new way?                          
    Counselling and psychotherapy can help you to identify the lessons that your life experience has brought you and make the choice to turn the curses into gifts.

Julie Parmenter is a counsellor at The Dancing Soul, Athlone. For further information please contact (090) 6490607 or email