People attend a Kinesiologist for
a number of reasons:
They may be physically ill and had a range of medical tests and have no
diagnosis for their symptoms.
· An athletic person may want to
enhance their performance.
· A parent may be worried
about their child's well-being.
· They may have a recurring
infection that no longer responds to medication.
A business owner may be suffering from overwhelm with their workload.
Kinesiology, uses a muscle
response test to identify exactly what is needed to correct energy imbalances in the body . When a person's body is out of balance physically,
emotionally or nutritionally they cannot achieve optimal health until the
kinesiologist detects and corrects what is needed to restore their health.
Nutritional deficiencies, toxins,
allergies to foods and other substances,
micro-organisms, parasites, past injuries, surgeries cause energy imbalance in
the body. As a result symptoms occur
such as exhaustion, recurring
infections. sleeplessness, severe pain, loss of appetite, poor coordination,
allergic reactions, to name but a few .
corrections bring about balance in the
body by releasing energy blocks, eliminating toxins, reducing tension and
stimulating the body's natural healing system.
For more information or to book an appointment please
Frances Sweeney,
Kinesiologist at The Dancing Soul , Athlone.
Tel: 0894320493 Email: