Friday, 15 March 2013

The Nature of Self Sabotage

The nature of Self Sabotage.

We know what we need to do, why is it that we don't stick with
it? 'Why can't I stay motivated' is the single most asked question
from smokers, people struggling to lose weight or get fit, people
procrastinating, and seeking change. It's your feelings that decide.
Do you feel unmotivated, anxious, afraid to risk failure, overwhelmed,
or a feeling that it just won't work for you? It's how we feel that
drives us and stops us. Basically, your mind is interested in two
things at a fundamental level: staying alive & having children. Sadly
our brain's most powerful systems don't care if we're happy. Happy
doesn't pay the evolutionary bills. When you feel bad and shy away
from something that's your unconscious mind working to protect you. It
may be holding you back from being slim as a protection against having
to risk rejection and pain, or constant anxiety keeping you distracted
so you don't notice a fear. In each case your mind classifies the
things you want to do as having risks, essentially mild dangers, and
the part of the brain which notices danger acts to protect you. Hence
self-sabotage. The key is noticing the emotion driving the action.
Tackle that and life will change wonderfully! John Prendergast is a
Hypno-Psychotherapist & Trauma Therapist at The Dancing Soul Therapy
Centre. The Centre offers expert therapies including:  Psychotherapy,
Kenesiology, NLP, Reflexology, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Yoga and more.
Call on 09064 90607 or drop in at 8 Pearse Street, Athlone.